EV Charging on street red car

Record number of public EV charge points installed this year

The news is out… about 6,000 public charge points have been installed during the first three months of this year, with a quarter of them rapid chargers. That’s according to quarterly figures from our friends at Zapmap, published by the Department for Transport.

The numbers

By April 1st, 2024, there were just under 60,000 public chargers installed in the UK. That’s a 49% increase on this time last year, and since 2022 the number of public chargers of all speeds has doubled.

Our view

It’s good news for EV drivers all across the country. It’s also positive for people considering the switch to EV, with The Guardian reporting in their EV mythbusters series, that range anxiety is one of the main reasons stopping people switching. Their take is that in the UK (unlike the US), the problem is being addressed and the number of black spots is reducing rapidly. Joju Charging Account Manager, Rob Dickin, agrees…

“Joju is working extensively with our local authority partners to increase the number of chargers available for the public, bringing together public and private sector funding to make sure there are enough chargers available as people make the switch to EVs. The upcoming LEVI funding from the government means we’ll be working even more closely with local authorities to ensure there are chargers available for those without their own off-street parking, so they can access renewable, green energy for their cars.”

Joju has been continuing to install public EV Charging Infrastructure in the first three months of the year, and there’s a lot more to come as Head of Public Sector Sales, Emma Blades, comments:

“The coming months are looking really positive for the EV revolution! With rapid hub projects being finalised and LEVI charging projects due, chargepoint numbers are set to increase further and faster. These projects give a variety of charging speeds for different uses, whether that’s residents charging overnight, visitors charging at a particular destination for a few hours, or people wanting to get charged and on their way as soon as possible. As the availability and ease of charging increases, the EV switch will be more accessible for all and we’re excited to continue to help power people’s journeys”.  

Absolutely right! The Joju Charging team looks forward to bringing EV drivers many more public charge points in 2024 and beyond, in conjunction with councils across the UK and our CPO and funding partners.

And finally…

Check out Zapmap for the nearest EV charge point on your travels.

electric vehicle charging at a school

EV charging grant for schools, and other funding updates

There’s been a lot happening in the EV charging space recently, in terms of initiatives to encourage electric vehicle adoption and the installation of EV charging infrastructure. Here’s our round up of the key highlights and specifics to have on your radar, when it comes to EV charging grants and funding measures.


EV charging grant for schools

The Department for Transport has recently increased the amount education institutions (including schools, colleges, academy trusts, and nurseries) can receive to install electric vehicle chargepoints.

The schools grant is part of the Workplace Charging Scheme and it’s open to all state-funded schools and educational institutions. It covers up to 75% of the cost of the purchase and install of EV chargepoints, up to £2,500 per socket. That’s a significant rise from the previous £350.

Schools and educational settings can use the grant to install as many as 40 EV chargepoints across all sites. This is a great way to boost chargepoint facilities for staff and visitors. The Department for Transport has also advised that schools could use the chargepoints to generate revenue, by making them available to the public.

To be eligible to apply, any school or educational setting needs to have dedicated off-street parking facilities. You can make an application online here.

Our Joju Charging team can also talk you through the schools grant application process, if you’d like to get in touch.

Independent schools can apply for funding too, through the Workplace Charging Scheme and the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Grant for Staff and Fleets. 



LEVI update

We’ve been sharing news and supporting councils with information for applications for the Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) Fund. The government is delivering £381 million to local authorities across the country, for the rollout of EV charging infrastructure to support drivers across the UK. The first capital payments for charging projects have been approved for local authorities including Bedford, East Sussex, North Yorkshire and the London boroughs of Hackney and Hounslow.

Here at Joju Charging, we’re also helping to bring EV charging to more rural areas in Dorset as part of a LEVI funded pilot. If you’re a local authority looking to reach more of your communities with EV charging infrastructure, do subscribe to our mailing list to hear more about a licence agreement we’ve created that could speed things up. The agreement enables tier 1 authorities to roll out EV charging networks across their areas, in association with sub authorities and even with the private sector. This framework has been over a year in the making, and we now have it for more of our local authority clients to benefit from.



Supporting EV chargepoint procurement

Through LEVI capability funding, almost 100 EV officers have been recruited to support chargepoint procurement. They will also help local authorities build teams to deliver EV charging projects. An electric vehicle infrastructure (EVI) training course will be open to all local authorities from mid-March as well, after a successful trial.

The government is also launching a consultation to look at speeding up charge point installation across the county. Proposals would mean street works could be carried out using a permit (rather than a licence), which can be issued much faster.


Don’t forget ORCS!

Local authorities can also still access the On-street Residential Chargepoint Scheme (ORCS). We’re always happy to talk through the application process with you.



A welcome drive to go electric

With the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) revealing that the UK achieved the million EV’s on the road milestone in early February, we welcome all measures to support local authorities and drivers to make the switch to electric. As EVIE’s Contractor of the Year, Joju Charging is always ready to support with the design and installation of reliable, robust EV Charging infrastructure.

Do you Remember the First Time?

We’ve got the lyrics from that particular Pulp song on a loop in our heads, because our Head of Delivery (EV Charging), Graeme Patton, has recently got his first EV. Over the next couple of months, we’re going to be finding out all about that experience and asking you to share your first EV experiences with us too – on our social channels, using the hashtag #firstEV.READ MORE

KIngston, Sure Charge, TfL, GULCS, Lamp post charger, City EV, FM Conway

Lighting up London with Lamp Post EV Charge Points

Joju Charging has won the contract under the TfL GULCS framework (Go Ultra Low City Scheme) with the Royal Borough of Kingston, to provide 100 street light charge points for local Kingston residents. The charge points will be installed on existing lamp posts during February and March and will help people make the switch to EV, as residents without access to off street parking will soon be able to park on the street near their homes, plug their electric vehicle into a charge point on a street light and charge away!


Solar And Storage LIVE, Contractor of the Year, 2020, Winner, Award

Joju Solar does the Double

Joju Solar has won ‘Contractor of the Year’ at the prestigious Solar & Storage LIVE awards, to add to the ‘EV Charge point Contractor of the Year’ title secured at the EVIEs last month.

The winners were announced on Friday, at the close of a three-day online conference and the awards now put Joju at the top of the pile across all their product offerings – solar PV, battery storage and EV charging infrastructure.

“Winning the Solar & Storage LIVE Contractor of the Year has been a long-held ambition and it feels amazing”, said Joju Solar Co-founder and Technical Director, Dr Chris Jardine.

“We’ve been working in the low carbon technology space for 14 years and this recognition is testament to the hard work put in by our team over that entire period – continually improving both technically and in terms of the service we offer.”

Joju Solar were recognised for their work on helping hundreds of homes reduce their carbon footprint, through solar, storage and EV charging.  Additionally, it has been an intensive year delivering community energy projects.  We installed 2MW of solar PV for Egni Coop in Wales, including the largest solar roof in Wales, at Newport’s Geraint Thomas Velodrome.  This project won the Community Energy Award at the Solar and Storage LIVE awards in its own right.  Other highlights in 2020 include a 39kW community-owned solar PV array on the roof of Salisbury Cathedral.

Joju is also working with more than 80 councils nationwide to install EV charge point infrastructure, simplifying the process and allowing councils to deploy charging infrastructure across their region without spending a penny.

“It’s very pleasing to be recognised across all our product offerings as offering excellent service in what we do.” said Chris.  “But this is still very much the beginning – the climate crisis hasn’t gone away; we still need lots more renewable capacity; and a complete electric transport revolution needs to happen in the next decade.  That’s always been our mission”

Octopus Energy Launch the Tesla Energy Plan


Octopus Energy’s Tesla Energy Plan has now ceased.  It has now been superceded by Octopus Flux.  Octopus Flux is an innovative electricity tariff that changes import and export tariffs throughout the day.  You can top up your battery with cheap electricity in the middle of the night, and earn money by discharging your battery to the grid at peak times.  Read our guide to Octopus Flux here.