Aerial view of a school with solar on the roof in North Lincolnshire

Solar schools and community buildings in North Lincolnshire

Noah'sArk, Green roof, biosolar, aerial, BArnet

A Biosolar Roof for Noah’s Ark

Egni Coop, Graint Thomas Velodrome, Newport Councl, largest solar roof in Wales,

Egni Coop’s Welsh Community Solar Programme

Salisbury Cathedral, solar, spire

The Salisbury Cathedral Solar Roof

commercial battery storage, sonnen, repower balcombe, sussex, Eco8

Commercial Battery Storage at Turners Hill School

Academic First for SOAS

Green Oak leads the Way with LEDs

Marks and Spencer – Community Energy Scheme

Prodrive to the moon and back

Orchard Field Community School

Wey Valley Schools

Norbar Tools

Oxford Bus Company

Low Carbon Hub

Fox Primary School

Community Renewable Energy Case Studies

Our award winning work in community energy is something that we’re very proud of at Joju Solar. We’re passionate about empowering communities to take control of their own energy generation and usage, and have been helping groups across the UK with pioneering community renewable energy projects for the last decade.

Whether it’s local people coming together to help their children’s schools benefit from solar energy, or supermarkets enabling their communities to be part of a scheme which gives back, we love getting involved in projects which benefit both the environment and those people living in the area.

Take a look at our case studies to see some of the incredible community solar energy projects we’ve been part of. From unique installations with academic institutions, to the biggest community-owned roof-mounted solar array in the UK, we love being involved in solar PV solutions which have a positive impact on local people and give back to the communities they are a part of.

We often partner with community energy groups that help with organising and funding great projects across the UK, lowering carbon footprints and producing clean, green energy which reduces bills and benefits whole communities. Contact us if you’re looking for help for a community energy project in your local area.