Dr Chris lends advice on LEDS to YouGen

Joju’s Dr Chris Jardine gives his expert opinion to YouGen on LED lighting and the savings they can have for homeowners.

This week energy website YouGen published an article on LED lighting as the alternative option to the soon to be phased our halogen bulbs. Picking up on a recent survey by Wholesale LED Lights the article revealed how 94% of wholesale customers (from over 2800 responses) were unaware of the upcoming ban. While many were aware of the benefits of LED lighting many assumed that the upfront costs were high.

Cue our very own Dr Chris Jardine to step in and give his expert advice on LEDS and he also explains how they make sense in the non-domestic setting. Here’s what Chris told YouGen:

“LED lighting has three main benefits – more light for less power, better quality light and they last longer, saving you money and the hassle of changing bulbs.”

“One of our clients – a school – has very high ceilings in the sports hall and has to get specialist contractors in every time a bulb fails. Not only will they rarely have to change these LED bulbs, we estimate their energy bills will be reduced by over £600 per year. This means the bulbs will pay for themselves in four years and save over £12,000 over their 20-year life.”

“For homeowners the savings can be more than £100 per year as LED lights are 90% cheaper to run than an incandescent or halogen bulb”.

If you want to read the full YouGen article then click here.

If you are interested in Joju’s LED lighting services then click here.

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