Keep FiTs – our words to the Government
Michael Buick explains how you can have a voice on Feed-in-Tariffs to the Government and shares the opinions of Joju staff.
Join the Keep FiTs campaign
10:10 and others have created a super easy tool to give a voice to the thousands of people outraged by plans to scrap payments for solar electricity. The simple survey adds your response to the official government ‘consultation’ on their plans to scrap the Feed-in Tariff – payments that go to owners of solar power and other renewables for supplying clean electricity to the national grid.
Take two minutes and fill out the survey at the link below:
Take Action >
If it helps, you could take inspiration from the wording one of Joju’s staff submitted:
“I support renewable energy in the UK because it’s clean – fossil fuels and nuclear power aren’t. I support renewable energy in the UK because it’s virtually limitless – fossil fuels and uranium are limited in supply. I support renewable energy in the UK because it’s getting cheaper and cheaper whereas fossil fuels and nuclear are getting more and more expensive. I support renewable energy in the UK because it’s decentralised and often owned by households, community groups or schools – unlike fossil fuel or nuclear power stations owned by the Big Six or by China. I support renewable energy in the UK because it helps us steer a course away from catastrophic climate change whereas fossil fuels are accelerating the likelihood of climate breakdown.
“I work for a company that designs and installs solar PV systems. We specialise in working with community groups, schools, councils and housing associations. Our vision – which used to be the government’s vision – is to have millions of solar panels on roofs up and down the country.
“The changes to the Feed-in Tariff, coming as they do before the solar PV industry is ready to stand on its own two feet, will decimate our business. Once the changes come into effect, most of the solar PV installed will be for householders who are not price sensitive and who want to do the right thing or for buildings which have to meet on-site renewables requirements (the Merton rule) – in other words very few installations.
“I don’t understand why you want to support fracking, eking out the last drops from the North Sea or new nuclear when these are fuels of the past and, in the case of new nuclear, the most expensive way to produce electricity? The solar Feed-in Tariff gives great value in terms of renewables installed – much better than the subsidies you’re giving to fossil fuel extractors or nuclear power companies – so why not stick with it until the solar PV industry reaches grid parity? Why not support the clean, climate-friendly and increasingly cheap fuels of the future rather than the dirty, dangerous, expensive fuels of the past?”
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