Transport for London (TfL) EV Charging Infrastructure Framework

Transport for London (TfL) EV Charging Infrastructure Framework

London aims to have a zero-emission transport system and have the best air quality of any major world city by 2050. In order to help facilitate changes in London and across the UK, the Go Ultra Low City Scheme (GULCS) was set up by the Department for Transport and the Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV) to assist local authorities to fund the development of electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure in their areas. This is designed to increase the uptake of electric vehicles by members of the public and businesses, by ensuring that the appropriate charging infrastructure is in place in as many cities as possible.

tfl ev charging

This scheme has a focus on residential on-street parking, aimed at encouraging EV take-up for the third of UK car owners with no access to off-street parking. In London, TfL has partnered with the Greater London Authority (GLA) and London Councils to access this government funding and provide a framework for London boroughs that makes the process of planning and delivering EV charge points more straightforward.

What type of EV charging solutions are available when using the TfL GULCS Framework?

This Framework includes a focus on on-street EV charging infrastructure, with a high percentage of London residents not having access to off-street parking at home, which is conventionally the most common way for people to charge their EVs.

A third of UK car owners have no access to off-street parking, and more in London. Through this framework, there are options to install EV chargepoints on existing electricity supplies, such as the unmetered supplies providing power to street lighting.  On residential streets in London boroughs the hardware can either be installed on existing street lighting columns  or on posts located close to the kerb.  Even buildings’ existing electricity supplies could be used to power EVCPs.  It’s useful to engage Joju at the early stage of any project involving existing supplies as we can help guide your screening of potential EVCP locations

Why use the TfL Framework for your EV charging programme?

By using this framework for your EV charging project, there is no need for you to embark on a separate approved supplier procurement process to carry out the necessary feasibility work, install the EV charge points and look after the ongoing management; this has already been done by the framework. Using an existing public sector EV charging infrastructure framework , which has benefitted from a thorough due diligence process, means that local authorities are able to roll out their charging infrastructure programmes more quickly and smoothly.

Approved framework suppliers, like Joju, have been selected for our knowledge and experience regarding EVCPs that share electricity supplies with other assets. Contact us today for more information or to discuss your specific project. You can find out more about the TfL GULCS framework here.


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    Public Car ParksOn-street chargersFleetStaffTaxiOther (please specify)

    What funding solutions are you interested in:

    Private financeOZEV - Workplace Charging SchemeOZEV Landlord GrantOZEV - Schools Workplace charging scheme

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