On-Street Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Installations for Councils

On-Street Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Installations for Councils

Air quality and emissions are topics that are high on the government and news agendas.  With ambitious emissions targets to hit by 2030, local authorities are taking responsibility for ensuring that drivers of low emission and electric vehicles have adequate charging infrastructure in place to encourage more people to make the switch away from polluting diesel and petrol cars and vans.

Around a third of households in England don’t have off-street parking at home to be able to charge an electric vehicle at their address  For those EV drivers, there are solutions available that can ensure they are also able to join the EV revolution.

On-street EV charge points can be situated in or on lamp posts, like these ones in Reading, or as standalone charging posts by the roadside in residential areas.  This means that EV drivers without driveways or garages are still are able to charge their vehicles close to their home.

In 2016, government funding was announced to help subsidise the cost to local authorities for installing on-street residential charge points in their area. However, many councils are yet to access this funding, because applying for it is perceived by some to be a complex and time-consuming process.

Joju are highly experienced in helping local authorities complete the EVCI evaluation and implementation process from initial feasibility reports, right through to the final installation of the on-street EV charge points. This means we are in the ideal position to offer assistance to any councils wishing to drive forward their public EV charging strategy.

Funding options for on-street EV chargers for local councils

There are a number of options for funding on-street EV charge points for local councils, including some that are fully funded. We can help you find the best option for your specific installation plan and strategy going forward.


    Your Name (required):

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    Your organisation (required):

    Your email (required):

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    What Electric Vehicle Charging Solutions are you interested in:

    Public Car ParksOn-street chargersFleetStaffTaxiOther (please specify)

    What funding solutions are you interested in:

    Private financeOZEV - Workplace Charging SchemeOZEV Landlord GrantOZEV - Schools Workplace charging scheme

    Please tell us more about your project(s)

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    Get in touch today for more information on the installation of on-street EV chargers for local authorities around the county