A great investment for Chris

Chris Robbins best ever invest investment was solar

Why did you choose solar?

“I had been looking at getting a solar PV system fitted for a while to help reduce his electricity usage and to reduce my carbon footprint. After contacting Joju Solar a member of your Residential team came to visit my property to assess the suitability of my roof and to better understand my needs.”


After the site visit Chris decided to go ahead with a Sharp 245W PV panel installation. The final system design consisted of 10 Sharp 245W PV panels on a SB 2500 SMA inverter. The 2.45kW system will produce 2,060kWh per annum with a carbon saving of over 1.09 tonnes. Chris will be able to produce clean green electricity, future proof against rising energy costs and make savings on his electricity bills.

“Apart from the bees’ nest in the roof – which wasn’t Joju Solar’s fault everything was done very smoothly with little disruption. The panels are generating even more than was promised. This is probably the best investment I have made – much better than I was getting from the bank.”



April 26, 2016


Residential, Solar