It’s Joju’s 10th birthday and we want to celebrate with you…

1st Prize


We are giving away, by reassigning the FiT, an array which generates approximately 1000 kWh a year. It receives a FiT payment of 49p per kWh, which equates to £500 per year and you can receive the tariff for the next 21 years.

2nd Prize


We will provide £500 worth of LED spotlights to a community group to run a halogen spotlight amnesty in your local area.

How to enter

To enter, we want to hear how your community group adds sunshine to people’s lives. Write a poem, paint a picture, write a story – get creative and tell us how you would use the £500.

To enter fill out the form on the right and upload your entry. Postal entries are also accepted. Find the address and how to send postal entries in the Terms and Conditions. Closing Date is the 22nd October.


Please click here to download a copy of our full Terms & Conditions


    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Community Group Name (required)

    Your telephone number

    How would your community group spend the money the Solar Array generates each year (in 250 words or less)?

    Click below to attach a file with your submission (.jpg or .pdf only)

    Checking this box indicates acceptance of our Terms & Conditions

    Call 0207 697 1000 now for a free Solar PV quote